
Cultura geral

Na mesa do lado, conversavam sobre um concurso de televisão que testa a cultura geral dos candidatos. Que era incrível como oito concorrentes erraram naquela pergunta. "Toda a gente sabe que o grande escultor alentejano é o Gargaleiro", dizia, senhor das suas certezas, o sexagenário.

1 comentário:

  1. I'm a VietNam Vet that's trying to put a site together about Agent Orange and other wicked things that happened there and still try to keep it from being Gross. I'm new at this and the site shows it. Some of the words like agent orange symptoms and/oragent orange symptoms turn people away. When I saw your Blog, I thought at least you might not erase it. You seemed to have put some thought into yours. Look at it and make up your mind if you'll at least let it stay on yours. ---Jack---
